Adam embodies the support character. He has helped me so much with my professional development throughout my time at Cygnet through empowerment, training and guidance. Adam also supported me through a difficult personal time and it’s much appreciated
Chloe always seems to be there to offer kind words and support at the much needed moments. I often tell Chloe she is a ‘cheerleader’ for many and she recently brightened my day by gifting a keyring with a lovely quote as an act of Kindness & comfort
Since Linet joined the Brunel Team she has been flexible and approachable, she is open to working with other disciplines in a flexible and collaborative way. She is open to starting new groups in the new year. She has demonstrated good team working.
Janice always brings the cups of tea and coffee round on a morning before she starts her shifts for the night staff. She remembers what people drink and the staff greatly appreciate the cuppa after a long 13 hour shift.
Sumaya has grown in her role as senior support worker, and has shown willingness to learn and develop herself. She has been working closely with management to develop her leadership skills. She has remained positive throughout the learning.
Anthony along with another colleague also nominated, dressed up as Santa and completed a walkaround for staff and patients including pictures with Santa paired with music
This brought about a fun element to a busy Monday on the lead up to Christmas.
Roman has completed his level 2 food hygiene course and supported the service by cooking in the kitchen while we do not have a chef. Roman’s food is cooked with so much love and passion. Individuals have all enjoyed his tasty and healthy food.
Janice has worked really hard to organise the pantomime for all of the individuals. Janice has spent her own time organising costumes and props as well as the script. Janice has remained positive and dedicated even with all the restrictions.
Since joining the team Kira has grown in confidence and is now engaging in more complex nursing care, key nursing a complex patient and supporting audits in clinical management. Kira has a great attitude and approach to learning every day. Well Done!
Emma always takes time to make sure our reporting system is filled in fully when she’s been working with one of our pupils. She is an amazing teacher and always leaves clear and insightful comments about the pupils and their work for when you return.
If I’m stuck and unsure how to do something I can generally rely on Richard to point me in the right direction and not only that, he will show me how to do it properly. There to talk to if needed and regularly goes above and beyond his call of duty.
Aishat is a brilliant person to work with. She is emotionally connected with those around her and very intuitive. When she is on shift, I know that we are in safe hands. She deserves as much support as this company can give her.